Kmart #3810 - Willow Street, PA [LIQUIDATION UPDATE #2 (02/15/2021)]

Kmart #3810, located at 2600 N. Willow Street Pike in Willow Street, Pennsylvania (a suburb of Lancaster) opened in 1991and was part of the Kendig Square shopping center. The store anchored the center. The store (and the one on Kingston) is now closing, leaving Pennsylvania without any Kmart stores.

During the liquidation process, we will bring you updates. This is update #2.

This location has those new weird signs with the Australian logo in white. In the past, they have been entirely yellow.

The pharmacy is still open. This is likely because the store is distributing COVID-19 vaccines.

Peeking into the former Little Caesars

Quick Information:
Opened: 1991
Closed: 2021
Interior (at time of closure): "Big Kmart"
Exterior: Unique (L)
Address: 2600 N. Willow Street Pike
Photographed: June 2020
